Pain Free Hemp Oil is a blog about CBD Oil, the benefits of CBD Oil. We Sell Vapes Oils, Pure Oils, Tinctures, Supplements, Hair and Skin products.
Monday, March 12, 2018
Benefits of Buying CBD OIL On Line
The Benefits of buying CBD Oil On Line
CBD benefits:
Cannabis is the only plant genus that contains the unique class of molecular compounds called cannabinoids. Many cannabinoids have been identified, but two preponderate: THC, which is the psychoactive ingredient of Cannabis, and CBD, which is an anti-psychoactive ingredient. One type of Cannabis is high in the psychoactive cannabinoid, THC, and low in the antipsychoactive cannabinoid, this one its called Marijuana.
Marijuana is specially bred cannabis plant for high levels of THC. However the medicinal benefits of medical marijuana shows potential due the other component, called Cannabidiol. Which indusial hemp is full of
Industrial Hemp was used for many centuries all around the world. USA was built on Industrial Hemp. Declaration of independence was written on hemp paper. Any canvas around the world was made from hemp. Every rope on any ship before 18th century was made from hemp. This oil has been extracted for many centuries.
Legal: Western countries industrial hemp is separates from marijuana on the basis of content. Regulations in the E.U. and Canada (31 countries currently grow industrial hemp) limit THC levels in hemp flowers to 0.2 percent and 0.3 percent, Comparatively, THC levels in marijuana flowers are generally between 3 percent and 20 percent. Our Hemp health products are low in THC, legal in all 50 states and full of CBD.
Reasons to take Hemp oil full of CBD: 1. CBD has a wide range of medical benefits: Anti-inflammatory (helps with variety infections including inflammatory bowel diseases and Crohn’s disease), Anti-Pain (relieves pain and aches), Anti-Anxiety and Stress, Anti-psychotic (helps depressions, PTSD, insomnia and mood disorders), Anti- bacterial, helps with Acne and skin disorders as eczema and psoriasis.
2. CBD oil is Anti-Cancer – Currently over thousand clinical shows positive effects of cbd oil towards cancer cells. Cbd oil Inhibits cell growth in tumors/cancel cells (promotes bone growth and protects nervous system degeneration (helps with Alzheimer, Brain Degenerative disorders. 3. CBD oil has anti-epileptic effects and stops seizures. Over several thousand clinical studies shows enormous positive results of cbd oil in Epilepsy patients. Recent CNN documentary of Sanjay Gupta showed to world how miraculously it helped 5 year old girl with seizures. Patient name Charlotte Web went from 200 seizures per day to 5 a week. Imagine you being parent and seeing this improvement in your child’s life. 4. 15 European countries (more to follow including USA) is using CBD oil as approved No. 1 medication for Multiple sclerosis. MS is a health disorder that causes nervous system breakdown leading to poor communication between your brain, spinal cord, and the rest of your body. Symptoms include severe vision loss, bladder dysfunction, speech problems and seizures.
5. US Department of Health has owned a patent on CBD (Cannabidiol) since 2003 and last year 2014 they filed for patent of CBD curing brain tumors. You can find more details on internet, patents are public record. If government likes it enough to patent it, its must be worth to take!
6. It’s legal and available in all 50 states. It’s completely safe, with no side effects, non GMO and Vegan. It’s natural as it gets, directly extracted from the plant. The most important. Today you can find cbd oil easily in all 50 states and available in many different forms. From pills, spray, drops many with different flavoring (Peppermint or Vanilla spray) or creams, salves, pure extract oil and even as pet treats. Give yourself a gift of health!
Hemp Health Inc products are available in all 50 states, are safe, non GMO, Vegan offered in forms of pills, drops, vape oil, and creams.
Our CBD salve: is great news for anybody suffering from skin conditions. Not only is CBD salve proven to assist with skin conditions as diverse as psoriasis, dermatitis and skin cancer, but anecdotally people have reported CBD reducing the amount of dry skin, getting rid of warts, getting rid of rashes, even getting rid of fungal infections. See picture of our CBD salve.
Hemp Oil
Hemp oil may be derived from the cannabis plant (industrial Hemp) A nutty taste, hemp oil can be used to improve the taste of meals. A natural moisturizer, it can help moisten, soften and rejuvenate your skin, nails and hair. Hemp oil is high in essential fatty acids, omega-3 and omega-6. It is good for digestive problems, lowering cholesterol, easing varicose veins, regulating hormonal balance and others. There is lot of speculation about the use of Hemp oil for cancer, and even AIDS. This has escalated the popularity and worldwide know how about this wonderful oil.
These are some of the properties that it exerts.
Anti – inflammatory
Skin regenerative
Cardio protective
Hair and Skin Health Benefits
Hemp seed oil has great application for personal use. These are some of the most prominent health benefits of using hemp oil.
1. Hemp Oil for Eczema This study [1] found out that people taking hempseed oil internally benefitted in their symptoms of atopic dermatitis (eczema). Hempseed oil is very rich in PUFAs (polyunsaturated fatty acids) which have been noted to be extremely healthy and strongly anti-inflammatory. Within about 20 weeks, the plasma lipid profiles of patients changed considerably. Their blood now contained more of healthy fats, which was doing their skin good. Omega – 3 and omega – 6 fatty acids in hempseed oil were responsible for such an effect. Dosage: should take about 1 – 2 tablespoon of hemp oil daily. This provides significant amount of healthy Essential Fatty Acids.
2. Multiple Sclerosis Multiple Sclerosis is a dangerous and rare condition in which nervous system degenerates. The exact cause and mechanism of this condition is still not fully known. It mostly affects young adults. A recent study [2] finds that supplementation of diet with hempseed oil and evening primrose oil improves the health of MS patients. These people were kept on a special diet containing “heating” foods, like black pepper etc. This may have something to do with the bioavailability of nutrients from these oils.
3. Inflammation People who suffer from chronic inflammatory diseases would really try hempseed oil. It’s so rich in omega -3 and omega – 6 fatty acids, which are strongly anti-inflammatory. These essential fatty acids are required by the body to lower systemic inflammation. With regular use, one can clearly see an improvement in inflammation and even pain in conditions like arthritis. Taking 1 tablespoon of hempseed oil daily is good enough to start seeing its effects.
4. For Acne Using hempseed oil in diet has a beneficial effect on acne. Its omega – 3 fatty acid content aids the body in reducing inflammation of the skin. This reduces the redness of pimples and may also prevent future breakouts. It has a comedogenic rating of zero, meaning that it has zero chance of breaking you out or clogging your pores. It’s totally A-Okay to use on acne prone skin and will actually help your skin balance its sebum (oil) production. Hemp Seed Oil will also Relieve/Improve- • Redness • Itchiness • Dry patches • Blotchy skin
• Skin tone • Inflammation
5. Hemp Oil for Skin This oil contains a lot of omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids that give the skin its much-needed nutrients and offer biochemical and therapeutic effects for the body. The mineral oil in petroleum-based cosmetics cannot achieve the same result, the essential fatty acids help correct oxygenation and skin hydration. Several studies indicate that the linoleic acid present in hemp oil can slow down the aging process of skin and fight psoriasis, a skin disease associated with dietary deficiency of fatty acids. It improves the composition of epidural lipids (fats in the outermost kin layer) and improve the overall functioning of skin. Improve water resistance – hemp oil protects the skin form reverse osmosis effects of water which causes skin to lose its nutrients. This explains why your skin looks dull after a shower, especially in places where the TDS in water is high. If the oil feels too dry, mix it with olive oil for a better “oily” feel. This is helpful when doing a massage. In that case, you don’t want the oil to get absorbed so quickly.
6. Hemp oil for Hair Hempseed oil can also be used in hair and scalp treatments. It can be used to reduce the oiliness of oil based shampoo. Using hemp oil on scalp doesn’t lead to hair fall. On the other hand, it improves scalp health by providing EFA (essential fatty acids) directly to the skin. Omega – 3 in hemp seed oil improves the texture of hair, making them look shinier and stronger. These fats are good for the health of hair follicle. Hemp oil also provides the scalp with many vital amino acids.
7. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) The symptoms that seem to be helped the most are breast tenderness and feelings of depression, as well as irritability and swelling and bloating from fluid retention.
8. Osteoporosis Some studies suggest that people who don’t get enough of some essential fatty acids (particularly EPA and GLA) are more likely to have bone loss than those with normal levels of these fatty acids. In a study of women over 65 with osteoporosis, those who took EPA and GLA supplements had less bone loss over 3 years than those who took placebo. Many of these women also experienced an increase in bone density.
9. Allergies GLA from evening primrose oil or other sources has a longstanding history of folk use for allergies. And women and children who are prone to allergies appear to have lower levels of GLA in breast milk and blood. However, there is no good scientific evidence that taking GLA helps reduce allergy symptoms. Well conducted research studies are needed.
10. Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
Clinical studies suggest that children with ADHD have lower levels of essential fatty acids (EFAs), both omega-6s and omega-3s. EFAs are important to normal brain and behavioral function. Some studies suggest that taking fish oil (containing omega-3 fatty acids) may help reduce ADHD symptoms, though the studies have not been well designed. Studies that used evening primrose oil have found it was no better than placebo at reducing symptoms.
Remedies for:
Hemp oil helps with hormonal balance: Hemp oil is the only edible seed that contains gamma-linolenic acid. G.L.A is the precursor for the production of the protective and calming prostaglandin PGE1 which helps regulate hormonal balance and support menopausal health.
High cholesterol levels:
The essential fatty acids from hemp seeds and oil can help lower cholesterol levels by accelerating metabolic processes. With a faster metabolism, fats burn faster and less are deposited on top of muscle mass or in artery walls. Want to reduce your cholesterol levels naturally? Here’s how you can do it.
For diabetics, the blood sugar index of hemp oil is considered low because it has low carbohydrate content. It is also full of nutrients that help moderate blood sugar levels. You can also control your diabetes with these 8 tips.
Atopic dermatitis:
Research has discovered that psoriasis is caused by a deficiency of omega 6 fatty acids in the body. Therefore, hemp oil is recommended as a complementary treatment. The fatty acids present in hemp oil help improve skin oxygenation and hydration.
Weakened immune system:
Research shows that the omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids improve the immune system and regulate intestinal flora, thus building a natural barrier against microbes and increasing the resilience of the body.
Demyelination of nervous system:
The essential fatty acids are necessary for a healthy cell membrane structure, especially the nerve cells of the myelin shield (which groups the nerve cells). Hemp oil is recommended for those who have already suffered from the process of demyelination where nerve membranes lose their myelin sheath.
Varicose veins:
Like other compounds high in omega-3s, hemp oil can thin your blood, reducing blood clots and varicose veins.
Hemp oil is safe to be applied topically, as well as when taken internally. The recommended dosage of hempseed oil is about 2 tablespoons daily. One should however avoid taking more than this amount daily.
Side Effects:
Hemp oil may have some anticoagulant effect. So, people who are about to undergo surgery should stop taking hemp oil two weeks prior to surgery. Hemp oil should also not be used for frying purposes (just like olive oil) Like any oil, hemp oil is fairly high in calories, about 100 calories per tbsp. That’s less than olive oil, which has about 120 calories per tbsp. and it is high in GLA, which some proponents claim may help you lose weight.
Nutritional Data For Hemp Oil Hemp oil is a powerhouse of nutrition when it comes to healthy fats. And it is better than flaxseed oil, which in itself is a reputed source of omega – 3. Hempseed oil is more than 40 % oils , and 80 % of these are essential fatty acids ( EFA ). These are healthy fats which are required by the body but are not synthesized inside. So, these need to be obtained from food. Among the EFAs, 55 % of it is Omega – 6 ( Linoleic Acid LA), 22 % is Omega – 3 ( Alpha Linolenic Acid ALA ). 1 – 4 % Gamma Linolenic Acid GLAwhich is also Omega – 6, 0 – 4 % Stearidonic Acid which is Omega – 3
Hemp seeds are a source of nutritious high-protein oil. Hemp protein called edestin matches the protein content in human blood, has approximately 60% Omega-6 and 20% Omega-3. This makes up the perfect ratio of 3 to 1 that is recommended by nutrition experts for human intake. Hemp nut contains all EFA including SDA (stearidonic acid) and super Omega-6 or GLA (gamma-linolenic acid) that are rare in other key oils. PMS, arthritis, diabetes, and neurodermatitis can be treated using these EFAs.
This protein is considerate Best veggie protein in the world. The human body needs 22 amino acids to maintain optimal health. Hemp protein powder contains more amino acids than meat, eggs, or milk.The hemp seed is 47% oil, and 74% of that oil is actually essential fatty acids.
In addition to its protein , amino acids, and fatty acids, hemp protein also contains vital vitamins and minerals for the human body including manganese, iron, magnesium and many others, they are very important for immune system. Health Benefits of Omega – 3 Omega – 3s are required for proper organ functioning. They are also required for the brain. Omega – 3s help to lower systemic inflammation, prevent excessive cognitive decline and they are great for heart health. [3] They are essential for normal metabolism. Health Benefits of Omega – 6 LA performs a host of functions in the body. It is essential for alerting the immune system in response to a stressor or pathogen. This leads to inflammation, but this necessary. Omega – 6 is also required for energy production, safeguarding from allergies. It also keeps the heart tissue functioning properly. Omega – 6 also helps the body recover from fatigue. However, a high concentration of omega – 6 in comparison to omega – 3 can lead to pro-inflammatory behavior. This is believed to set the seeds for inflammatory diseases. What is the healthy omega – 3 to omega – 6 in diet ? Our body doesn’t like too much of omega – 6 , especially when Omega – 3 is low. The ideal ratio of omega – 6 to omega -3 is 3 : 1. This is exactly the ratio of these essential fatty acids in hemp oil. This makes hemp oil the best balanced oil in terms of EFAs. The ratio of EFAs is really very important to health. [4] The average American diet can have omega – 6 as many as 30 times more than omega – 3. This is very low amount of omega – 3 to counter the negative effects of omega – 6. Chemical composition of the fatty acids in weight % of the total fat content
References 1. Efficacy of dietary hempseed oil in patients with atopic dermatitis. Callaway J, Schwab U, Harvima I, Halonen P, Mykkänen O, Hyvönen P, Järvinen T. NCBI 2. Association of Expanded Disability Status Scale and Cytokines after Intervention with Co-supplemented Hemp Seed, Evening Primrose Oils and Hot-natured Diet in Multiple Sclerosis Patients. Soheila Rezapour-Firouzi, Seyed Rafie Arefhosseini, Mehdi Farhoudi, Mehrangiz Ebrahimi-Mamaghani, Mohammad-Reza Rashidi, Mohammad-Ali Torbati, and Behzad Baradaran. NCBI. 3. The cardiac and haemostatic effects of dietary hempseed. Delfin Rodriguez-Leyva and Grant N Pierce. Nutrition and Metabolism 4. The importance of the ratio of omega-6/omega-3 essential fatty acids.Simopoulos AP. NCBI. 5. The Composition of Hemp Seed Oiland Its Potential as an Important Source.of Nutrition. Cary Leizer David Ribnicky Alexander Poulev Slavik Dushenkov Ilya Raskin
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